Thursday, September 15, 2016

Queen of Wands

Back In School—DAY

I am using the paper cutter in a classroom when students enter to take a test. As they sit and write their names in their booklets, a nearby empty-handed student asks what the term “BYOB” means and I tell him. Its written on the syllabus.

“Bring Your Own Blue-book. You know, a blank test booklet?” I say.

He yells, “Shit!” and runs off presumably to the bookstore to buy one.

I finish slicing and find a seat. A sexy raven-haired student gets up and crosses over to me. Andrea. We had met once or twice around campus. She sits on my lap and whispers in my ear.

“I have been thinking about how sexy you are recently,” she says in her sexy thick French accent I rub her up and down as she speaks. “I was thinking about letting you put your thing in my front, you know?”

“I know! I know!” I gush at the prospect.

She giggles. “Or maybe even my back part.”

My hand goes from the small of her back to her butt in tight jeans. I say anxiously but quietly “Then why the hell aren’t we spending time together? Are you busy? I’ll come to your work? I’ll come to your home. Hell, what are you doing right now?”

But I am too eager. I can feel my chances with her flushing away; I see water rushing down a sewer.

She has disappeared.

I think I should find a bathroom to relieve my erection in. Instead, I find myself headed to the locker room in the nearby gym.

Passing through the locker room to find a private stall, I pick up some woolly socks off a fresh laundry pile that look like my own. A football team comes in. The coach is riding them.

“Even though we lost. We played really hard,” the bald man yells, “You should play like they just did in every game.” He holds up a comic book. A vanquished hero on the cover.

“This is the game,” he demonstrates, ripping the comic in half across the hero’s neck, ”And this is you guys.”

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