Friday, July 15, 2016

Ace of Cups [Reversed]

Back In School—DAY

Walking across campus I must pass by a gang of jocks hanging out on the corner of the quad drinking beer outside the cafeteria. Though having fun, they seem primitive and I can sense the latent hostility in their posturing. I don’t want to be involved but play it cool.

“Hey guys,” I say as I pass and I head across the muddy athletic field. But they are going this way too or have changed their course to bug me. There is an abandoned construction project we pass near the gym and since they have pegged me as a nerd they begin to shout questions to me about archaeology and geology in regard to an open utility trench.

I shrug and point out the layers of soil and how the construction has mixed them. As we go I bound around the dirt piles athletically to show I am no slouch. When I get to the top of a very tall one, I find a small, but steep crevice leading back down. I leap into it dashingly, but the action starts the hill cracking and falling apart above me as I half-fall half-scoot down the crevice and back out of the hill. I burst out in front of the jocks just as the whole hill comes down.

“Did you see those moves?” I brag dusting off, “I’m like an action hero or something.” They look back silently, unimpressed.

They suddenly rush me and push me towards the in ground lap pool. I am tossed in and they jump in after. I am too weak to fight them, though I try. They tear my clothes off. In the melee I am able to pull myself out but not in time. One of them makes fun of my genitalia as I climb out.

I spot one of them is in a wheel chair, laughing along from the side. So, I counter “At least mine works.” He is startled and angry. I run and push him into the pool. As the gang rescues their friend and his chair, I grab my clothes and storm off.
Trying to regain my cool, I pass a few girls loitering and smoking under a fire escape.

“Ducking out for a smoke is cool, but I am one-upping you. I’m leaving the school entirely.” They begin to mock me but then seem a bit more impressed as I wave them off.

“Whatever.” I growl and simply brush past them.

I meet a guy sitting in the bushes, daydreaming, also ditching, but just not going very far. He introduces himself as Spike. We talk tough to one another but as two rebels without causes. We quickly make fast friends despite the jokey chastising of each other. It has a decided Tom and Huck feel.

“If your such a believer in nothing,” I smile and point to a wet old log he has been etching faces into, “Why carve these psychedelic jester faces?” I pick one up and the outer layers of wood slip off the log. I slough the rest off to finish the job of ruing his artwork.

Meanwhile the girls have gone back inside and are watching us through the window. They look us up and down and lick their lips suggestively and we decide to go back in and fuck them, which we both see as inevitable. We argue over who will get the smaller, pretty Asian one. The other brunette is a bit chunkier, but more than pretty also. The bookish, library type which excites me but I don’t admit to around other guys like Spike.

I head to the bushes to piss first, hitting some stinging nettle and hoping I didn’t get any on my dick. We both agree that we’d, of course, prefer the smaller Asian, will gladly have the brunette so long as it means getting our dicks wet.

We are way too much alike!

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