Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ace of Pentacles

A Farm—DAY

The Boss wants us to go do more testing for the pipeline project through the mountains. Although we have already needlessly disrupted peoples’ lives and yards in the village, she wants to put some survey transects perpendicular to the proposed right-of-way, between houses to account for what she perceives as areas of “Potential impact.” The crew decides to make a weekend of it; it is a holiday, Independence day weekend, after all.

We’ve set up a temporary field office in the parlor of the farm compound. While the crew is up in the village, I straighten up our space. I working on the shelves and mantle, fixing up some clay pots and a huge glass water cooler jug that the Boss has filled with pens. I consider throwing them away, but hate to.

I continue cleaning up the office. I take the jug and consider tossing it out unto the grass when I see the crew has tossed a bunch of old soil samples. The Boss is out there cursing us for being litterbugs and trying to pick up and re-bag the dirt. So I feel guilty and begin to help. But I don’t feel that guilty so I am only scooping some of the more obvious rocks. Only to realize on closer inspection that they are actually potatoes. The Boss says that it pointless for me to only get the rocks. I tell her that we only have dirt, rocks and a few potatoes perhaps in the yard. We ought to leave them all because they are all-natural, not trash. She looks back confused.

“Like the dirt you just picked up?” I dig at her. She stares blankly, while I notice there are a few broken bottles as well and begin to pick them up also.

“You don’t understand,” she says at length, storming off “Picking up potatoes is never going to save the company.”

It’s no matter. But I am filthy now.

As I look for some decent clothes to wear for the weekend, a pretty redhead, our new crew member peeks in to show me shows a patriotic painting she has made and is asking everybody’s opinion. Rather than be perturbed that she not with the others working, I say quietly that it shows her good spirit and is thus sure to inspire. She hears me and asks me to repeat it. I do, embarrassed. Then she comes and kisses me thanks.

On second thought the new girl hugs me for good measure as well. She is cute and warm and I am suddenly looking forward to our time together.

She look so familiar. Is she a student I had a crush on back at school? I can’t remember her name.

“You’re who again?” I stammer and confess. “I forget your name.”

She smiles seductively and takes my hand, “Funny face” she smiles.

Yes! That was my nickname for her.

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