Wednesday, July 20, 2016

King of Swords [Reversed]


In the main parlor seems to be the main action of the party. Everyone is in a costume and represents an Egyptian deity. But it is something a bit more nefarious than a dinner play I think.

The Boss, Anubis, is hosting. I also recognize Iris-Isis, who shuns me at the door and takes her place in the middle of the large U-shaped table with a frown. I find that somehow I have been chosen as Ra and sit at the head of the table between Isis and Anubis.

The Boss asks Iris what her problem is. She says “I don’t like to be surrounded by all the fruit loops staring at me.” I make a face and the Boss next asks me the same question.

I look at the attractive women in Egyptian garb lining the table, including Mary, Nut. I reach out left and right and squeeze Isis and Anubis’ forearms gently and say “It’s nothing, Boss. The view from this side of the cereal bar is quite lovely.”

But I realize as I look around the room that it is an office party of some sort that we are having. I do slowly recognize everyone under the guise, including Sailor Lou, Horus whom I spot at the end of the table. At length, the Anubis-Boss explains that each division is supposed to come up with games as entertainment.

I don’t want to join in and slump in a chair in the back when something resembling an ancient Egyptian Easter Egg hunt begins. Mary-Nut takes my photo and urges me to have fun. At this I decide to leave the party to see what else is going on in the other rooms of the farm complex. I can hear Mary comment to Iris about my pretend tough guy façade as I go. “I bet he gets laid, though.” she adds.

As I pass Lou-Horus, I repeat the quip. “I’m not as tough as I pretend, Sailor Lou. But at least I get laid.” However, Lou is with several other colleagues and I regret the glib remark at Mary’s expense.

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