There is an office Christmas party, I enter and immediately head towards the bar that has been set up. The Sailor and his wife are sitting at the bar when I come up.
“How’s things, man?” I ask.
“Bills man. They’ve hit hard this month. I’m broke till payday.”
My hands shoot to my pockets expecting to be asked for a hand out. But the Sailor touches my arm and shakes his head.
“No. No, man. It’s cool. I’m playin' in a bowling tournament down the street right now. I’ll pull in a few bucks doing that.”
“Oh! But?”
“Between sets, I come down here to the free bar to drink and focus.”
“Oh. Okay. Cool.”
I leave the bar area and heads out to an enclosed balcony where a lot of the staff members, particularly some of the younger girls, huddle in the dark. I look down on the party which is slowly spilling outside and down the street, and out at the night sky.
I remember that yesterday, I was supposed to run a booth at the local job fair for the company. It went Okay. But I should have reported on it the next day, and I haven’t filled out and distributed the proper form to explain my results. It is likely that people at the party tonight people might be still angry about it. Except for Mary, of course, who as usual seems put upon to be flirtatious. It feels forced and awkward when she says “Hey, you!” and squeezes my shoulder as I approach. I feel a tad on the spot like a performer too. It always feels like she is interested in me only because I am the only single man around. Since Andrea that is. She gives me some Christmas presents, some books which I fawn unconvincingly about, though honestly wanting her to continue liking me.
Just to be liked.
When they start singing and handing out gifts I cannot quite hear and fail to rise or sit on cue. At one point a black guy next to me slaps me in the shoulder for standing too long. The Boss and I notice each other in the dark. She waves me close.
As I cross the room unwittingly, The Boss scowls. “Mary has something she wants me to ask you.”
I feel somewhere between fear and hope, “This is rather high school study hall; have the girls have been gossiping again?”
The Sailor pushes past with his drink. “Cluck. Cluck. Go the hens.”
The Boss continues, ignoring us men. “She wants to know if you are sleeping with that girl you talk about bleeding on all the time.”
I am confused and irritated. “I’m not sure. I remember a redhead that was on the crew for only a short time. I had cut open my face and didn’t know. She pointed it out to me and then dabbed at the blood to clean it up. I might have mentioned that that was a sweet thing to do, but I don’t even remember her name. Guys, anyone remember?”