Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Two of Swords


“You can see it, can you?” the Sailor asks and I nod.

I really couldn’t.

I really can’t see the invisible creatures that had been attacking people around the Farm complex, but the Sailor had decided that I had what it takes to help them kill them.

Besides, the way the Sailor now glances at an empty space between he and I, I know where the bastard approximately stands.

So I grab a wooden stake from Sailor Lou’s hand and lunge at the air fourish feet off the ground. There is a scream and a thud.

The veil is lifted. I can see them now.

The zombies or vampires or whatever they are are staggering around all over the courtyard. But I don’t care and defiantly walk through headed back inside. Back inside the farm house where I have a brandy and a roaring fire waiting for me in the study.

A vampire creature steps in my path.

“You should flee,” he tells me, “Or I’ll be forced to bite you.”

“I do not care,” I tell him, “I am miserable and besides having your super powers sounds cool.”

He gets close and whispers in my ear, “You’ll be miserable. And. You’ll live forever too!”

“Wait!” I re-decide as he bites me.

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