Thursday, October 20, 2016

Ten of Pentacles [Reversed]


I cannot find the crew. I think Sailor Lou must have taken them up to the general store in the village to have a couple beers with the locals, since it is past dark and they have not been back yet.

But suddenly they pull up in the crew van and are clambering out. They have two weird creatures in a cage.

“Ever see one of these?” Lou asks setting the cage down. They are spiky or fluffy and prehistoric looking with large back legs.

“Are they armadillos or something?”

“No,” the Sailor chuckles, “They are newly hatched turkeys.”

“Much larger than I would have guessed. They look sick.”

One is missing and eye. I bend down to get a closer look in the cage. The one-eyed one begins to squawk when I put a hand on the bars. It sounds almost like a parrot talking, saying something like “Get off, fattie!”

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